4 Mar 2019

Childhood obesity is among the major health challenges of the 21st century. It is a worldwide issue, result of a complex situation. Most of the experts, however, agree on pointing out the combination of two variables as the core of action: inappropriate food habits and lack of physical activity.

“Sano” (meaning “healthy” in Spanish) is the name that the Basque Government’s Health Department, through their Public Health Directorate, has given to the childhood obesity prevention Strategy in the Basque Country. We feel very proud of our contribution to this project and, specially, of the branding accompanying this strategy.

The construction process of this whole strategy, which has concluded into a publication, took place from May to November 2018. Besides proposing and designing the naming, in collaboration with Estudio Doble, we have also accompanied along the process, dynamizing the participation of an important number of agents coming from different organisations (public and private entities, both local and national level) and from different disciplines. We also counted on with the feedback of a group of young people, who have reviewed the work done and contributed with their own proposals.